- Electromagnetic modelling - Computational Electromagnetics (COMPUMAG);
- Modele de ordin redus (MOR);
- Scientific Computation in Electrical Eng. (SCEE - CSE); modelling, simulations, optimizations;
- High Performance Computing (HPC) with Scientific Applications;
- Computer aided education (CAEE);
- Electronic Design Automation (EDA) of VLSI Systems - Tools for model extraction (TCAD);
- Electromagnetic Nondistructive Evaluations and Testing (ENDE, NDT);
- Coupled Problems - Microfluidics, Multiphysics.
June 4th, 2017: Oferta educationala pentru viitorii doctoranzi; click aici pentru detalii.
July 26th, 2012: We have an opening for the MEMS project, see its page for details.
March 13th, 2012: Welcome to the new LMN site, launched today!