- Six university textbooks;
- over ten chapters in international books
- over hundred papers and communications published in Romania and abroad (COMPUMAG, IEEE CEFC, EUROCHIP, ENDE, EDTC, RJJSAEM, SCEE, IGTE, MicroFlu, IEEE SPI, ISEF);
- over fifty articles in the ISI rated national and international journals (IEEE Trans. on Magnetics, COMPEL, Revue Roumaine des Science Tehniques, PHISICA B)
June 4th, 2017: Oferta educationala pentru viitorii doctoranzi; click aici pentru detalii.
July 26th, 2012: We have an opening for the MEMS project, see its page for details.
March 13th, 2012: Welcome to the new LMN site, launched today!