Our Projects
- CODESTAR - Compact modelling of on-chip passive structures at high frequencies
- EST3 - Early Stage research Training at an EaSTern European Site with Tradition
- ToK4nEDA - Transfer of Knowledge for nano-Electronic Design Automationy
- COMSON - COupled Multiscale Simulation and Optimization in Nanoelectronics
- CHAMELEON RF - Comprehensive High-Accuracy Modeling of ELectro-magnetic Effects in Complete Nanoscale RF blocks
- ARTIC - Nature-inspired micro-fluidic manipulation using artificial cilia
- nEDA - Methodologies and Tools for Electronic Design Automation
- ProSCEE - Promoting the participation to European research programmes, of the national scientific community involved in Scientific Computing in Electrical Engineering
- SMART - Un nou principiu de actionare magnetica a dispozitivelor din Sisteme Microfluidice bazat pe modele de viata ARTificiala
- STAR - Instrumente software avansate pentru modelarea campului electromagnetic in blocurile de radio-frecventa
- ToMeMS - Advanced Tools and Methodologies for the Multiphysics Modelling and Simulation of RF MEMS Switches
- Partner in the COST-TD1307- European Model Order Reduction Network - EU-MORNET
June 4th, 2017: Oferta educationala pentru viitorii doctoranzi; click aici pentru detalii.
July 26th, 2012: We have an opening for the MEMS project, see its page for details.
March 13th, 2012: Welcome to the new LMN site, launched today!