Our laboratory was established in 1983 within the Electrotechnic Faculty of the Polytechnic University of Bucharest, which didactic and research activities. Some of our major milestones:
- 1991 - TEMPUS JEP 2717 - Post-universitary School of Computer-Aided Electrical Engineering - First hybrid network of Unix graphic workstations; partnerships with top European laboratories: Graz, Atenas, Genova, Grenoble, Darmastadt, Paris, Bath;
- 1993 - the CAEE' 93 conference with 120 atendees from 20 countries
- 1994 - the LMN webpage - among the first webpages in Romania
- 1995 to 1997 - INCIP and CoLaborator - The first High Performance Computer at the Polytechnic University of Bucharest
- 1996 to 2000 - JSAEM - ENDE
- 1996 - RJSAEM - The first Romanian-Japanese workshop
- 1996 - TEMPUS JEP 9122 - Deployment of PCs LAN, extended partnerships
- 1997 to 2000 - INCO - MANODET - Non-destructive defectostophy
- 2001 to 2004 - FP5/IST/Codestar - in partnership with IMEC, Philips, AMS
- 2005-2008 - FP6/IST/Chameleon RF - Extension of the partnership with IST Lisbon
- 2005-2009 - FP6/EST/EST3 - Marie Curie Doctoral School
- 2005-2009 - RTN COMSON - Extending of the industrial European partnerships with Philips, Siemens, ST-Micro
- 2006-2010 - ToK 4nEDA - The first HPC system with 112 nodes at LMN/CIEAC, using parallel MATLAB and COMSOL
- 2005-2008 - CEEX nEDA - National partnership with Cluj and Iasi
- 2006 - Organzied the SCEE 06 conference in Sinaia
- 2007-2010 - FP6/MNP/ARTIC
June 4th, 2017: Oferta educationala pentru viitorii doctoranzi; click aici pentru detalii.
July 26th, 2012: We have an opening for the MEMS project, see its page for details.
March 13th, 2012: Welcome to the new LMN site, launched today!